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Appuntamento con la storia; le immagini e i filmati che ricordano i più importanti anniversari dei prossimi anni.

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12 giugno 1983 (30 Anni)
Edith Norma Shearer, Canadian-American actress and Hollywood star that turned down the role of Scarlett O'Hara, died.
12 giugno 1997 (16 Anni)
Queen Elizabeth II reopens the Globe Theatre as Shakespeare’s Globe in London.
12 giugno 2003 (10 Anni)
Eldred Gregory Peck, American actor who was one of the most popular film stars from the 1940s to the 1960s, died.
13 giugno 2005 (8 Anni)
Pop star Michael Jackson is found not guilty of all charges after a four-month-long child abuse trial.
14 giugno 1653 (360 Anni)
Artemisia Lomi Gentileschi, Italian female painter, died.
14th June 1653 (360 Anni)
Artemisia Lomi Gentileschi, Italian female painter, died. 365 years.
14 giugno 1777 (236 Anni)
The U.S. Second Continental Congress passes the Flag Resolution.
14 giugno 1828 (185 Anni)
Ernesto Che Guevara, Argentinian-Cuban physician, author, and guerrilla leader, was born.
14 giugno 1926 (87 Anni)
Mary Cassatt, American painter and printmaker, who was part of the French Impressionists, dies.
14 giugno 1928 (85 Anni)
Emmeline Pankhurst, English activist and academic, died.
14 giugno 1945 (68 Anni)
Jörg Immendorff, German painter and sculptor, was born.
15 giugno 1215 (798 Anni)
King John of England puts his seal to the Magna Carta.
15 giugno 1938 (75 Anni)
Ernst Ludwig Kirchner, the expressionist painter, died.
15 giugno 1996 (17 Anni)
Ella Fitzgerald, American Singer and actress, died.
16 giugno 1915 (98 Anni)
Foundation of the British Women's Institute.
16 giugno 1960 (53 Anni)
New York premiere of Hitchcock's Psycho.
16 giugno 1963 (50 Anni)
Soviet cosmonaut Valentina Tereshkova became the first woman in space.
17 giugno 1818 (195 Anni)
Charles-François Gounod, French composer, best known for his Ave Maria as well as his opera Faust, was born.
18 giugno 1767 (246 Anni)
English sea captain Samuel Wallis sights Tahiti and is considered the first European to reach the island.
18 giugno 1815 (198 Anni)
The Battle of Waterloo, fought in present-day Belgium.
18 giugno 1916 (97 Anni)
Max Immelmann, Germany's first air ace of the First World War and a pioneer in fighter aviation, dies.
18 giugno 1936 (77 Anni)
Maxim Gorky, Russian and Soviet writer, a founder of the Socialist realism literary method and a political activist, dies.
18 giugno 1940 (73 Anni)
"Finest Hour" speech by Winston Churchill.
18 giugno 1945 (68 Anni)
William Joyce (Lord Haw-Haw) is charged with treason for his pro-German propaganda broadcasting during World War II.
19 giugno 1867 (146 Anni)
The Archduke Ferdinand Maximilian, First Emperor of Mexico was executed by a firing squad.
19 giugno 1937 (76 Anni)
Sir James Matthew Barrie, 1st Baronet, Scottish novelist who created Peter Pan, died.
19 giugno 1953 (60 Anni)
Julius and Ethel Rosenberg were executed for conspiracy to commit espionage, relating to passing information about the atomic bomb to the Soviet Union.
19 giugno 1964 (49 Anni)
Lyndon B. Johnson firma il Civil Rights Act negli Stati Uniti.
20 giugno 1887 (126 Anni)
Queen Victoria's Golden Jubilee is celebrated.
21 giugno 1527 (486 Anni)
Niccolò Machiavelli, Italian politician and philosopher, dies.